
The open-access journal for the mathematics of composition

Urns & Tubes

Bart Jacobs

Institute for Computing and Information Sciences, Radboud University Nijmegen, P.O. Box 9010, 6500 GL Nijmegen, The Netherlands


Urn models play an important role to express various basic ideas in probability theory. Here we extend this urn model with tubes. An urn contains coloured balls, which can be drawn with probabilities proportional to the numbers of balls of each colour. For each colour a tube is assumed. These tubes have different sizes (lengths). The idea is that after drawing a ball from the urn it is dropped in the tube of the corresponding colour. We consider two associated probability distributions. The first-full distribution on colours gives for each colour the probability that the corresponding tube is full first, before any of the other tubes. The negative distribution on natural numbers captures for a number $k$ the probability that all tubes are full for the first time after $k$ draws.

This paper uses multisets to systematically describe these first-full and negative distributions in the urns and tubes setting, in fully multivariate form, for all three standard drawing modes (multinomial, hypergeometric, and Pólya).

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► References

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Cited by

[1] Bart Jacobs, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 14574, 101 (2024) ISBN:978-3-031-57227-2.

[2] Bart Jacobs, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13225, 176 (2022) ISBN:978-3-031-10735-1.

[3] Bart Jacobs, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13923, 256 (2023) ISBN:978-3-031-39783-7.

[4] Bart Jacobs and Dario Stein, "Overdrawing Urns using Categories of Signed Probabilities", Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science 397, 172 (2023).

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