
The open-access journal for the mathematics of composition

Language Modeling with Reduced Densities

Tai-Danae Bradley1 and Yiannis Vlassopoulos2

1Sandbox@Alphabet, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA
2Tunnel, New York, NY 10021, USA


This work originates from the observation that today's state-of-the-art statistical language models are impressive not only for their performance, but also---and quite crucially---because they are built entirely from correlations in unstructured text data. The latter observation prompts a fundamental question that lies at the heart of this paper: What mathematical structure exists in unstructured text data? We put forth enriched category theory as a natural answer. We show that sequences of symbols from a finite alphabet, such as those found in a corpus of text, form a category enriched over probabilities. We then address a second fundamental question: How can this information be stored and modeled in a way that preserves the categorical structure? We answer this by constructing a functor from our enriched category of text to a particular enriched category of reduced density operators. The latter leverages the Loewner order on positive semidefinite operators, which can further be interpreted as a toy example of entailment.

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► References

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Cited by

[1] Mohammad Ali Javidian, Vaneet Aggarwal, and Zubin Jacob, "Quantum causal inference in the presence of hidden common causes: An entropic approach", Physical Review A 106 6, 062425 (2022).

[2] Bojan Žunkovič, "Deep tensor networks with matrix product operators", Quantum Machine Intelligence 4 2, 21 (2022).

[3] Tai-Danae Bradley, John Terilla, and Yiannis Vlassopoulos, "An Enriched Category Theory of Language: From Syntax to Semantics", La Matematica 1 2, 551 (2022).

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